The Best Spas in Brussels


Be taken to another world of relaxation and beauty with our top therapists and spas


Treatments & facilities: Serendip Spa, one of Brussels’s most renowned, sees experienced therapists bringing unique treatments from around the world to the heart of Brussels.

Its inner-city oasis includes a bespoke relaxation lounge, a meditation corner hidden behind a fountain, individually designed treatment rooms and a boutique selling the same exclusive organic products that are used in all treatments. Signature treatment: Serendipity is the most extravagant of Serendip’s long treatment menu. It begins with a warming foot bath followed by a relaxing massage and finally a fingertip facial. Using top organic products, this treatment can be offered to individuals or couples.

Claudia Zackariya-Dau, Founder

+32 2 503 5504

18 Place Stephanie, 1050


Treatments & facilities: Aspria Avenue Louise embraces all the traditional elements of a first-class city spa – there is a tranquil indoor pool, a Jacuzzi, sauna and steam room all located in Brussels’s fashionable Ixelles district.

But it is the therapists that make this spa unique as they are highly knowledgeable in all manner of therapies and treatments, from anti-aging and craniofacial massages to personal training and yoga techniques. Signature treatment: Suprême Tentation is a combination package that offers the spa’s signature tranquility massage, facial and body scrub followed by lunch and a glass of champagne in the Lounge Bar.

Vanessa Neirynck, Spa Manager

+32 2 610 4066

Place Wiltcher, 71b Avenue Louise, 1050

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