by Kathryn Fagan, SkyAngel
“There are moments in this job where I sit back and think, ‘I can’t believe I just made that happen.’
I am a chef, a waitress, a bartender, a maid, a personal assistant, a driver and so much more to my guests. I have to make magic happen. Whatever my guests want, they are going to get. They don’t hear “no”. I also have to take care of my pilots. Basically, I’m Superwoman.
This job may look glamorous and exciting, but behind the scenes, it requires a lot of hard work, patience and drive. I’ve sliced my hand open, broken countless fingernails, vacuumed and picked up crumbs and dirt on my hands and knees, flown on one hour of sleep, battled with Vietnamese restaurants in order to execute the requests of my guests, drove to another state for a $200 dollar bottle of wine, broke that bottle of wine, literally cried over catering, and altogether have just been put in impossible situations that somehow worked out and were presented as perfect to my private jet traveling guests.
Nevertheless, I would not trade this life for anything else in this world. I am so grateful for the person who helped me get this job, the people who help me succeed in this job and my bad ass MamaAngels and SisterAngels who are always there for me (even at 1am while I’m crying, driving around looking for low sodium kettle chips to fulfil a guest’s request).
I started flying because I was miserable with the same routine every day. The idea came to me out of the blue. I never expected to be doing this for a living. If you hate your job, or feel unsatisfied please try your best to find something you love.
I was unemployed for three months before I got my first flight. I was broke in those three months, I got dumped by the person I thought I’d spend my life with. I was a shell of myself and thought negatively about myself.
I had nothing (in my mind). I wanted to give up, but I didn’t, and now I’m making more money than I ever had in my life, travelling around the world, met an amazing man and most of all I am happy!
I have clients requesting me by name to fly. In a such a competitive industry this is amazing! Please don’t give up. It will all work out, I promise. I am someone who thinks more negatively than positively but flying has helped changed that. It has taught me important life skills and given me a ton of confidence. I know I can handle any situation now, in the air or on the ground.
Wherever I end up in the next 10 years, even if I’m not flying, I will be forever grateful for this time in my life and for the opportunity to be a SkyAngel.”