‘Beloved Light’, a mixed show of art photography led by the work of internationally renowned and highly decorated photographer Mario Carrieri. He grew up in the great artistic circles and family friends included Modigliani, Picasso and Marini. The main body of the exhibition is devoted to eight retrospective groups of his work. These bodies of work include, ‘Milan’, images from his book from 1957-1959), Architectural studies for such clients as Norman Foster and Renzo Piano; Design studies for such clients as Fiorucci; Studies of Pre-Columbian and African Tribal Sculpture from the 1970’s, as well as Female Nude studies from the 1980s.
His studies of foundry plasters of Auguste Rodin from the late 1990’s have been paired together with a collection of posthumous production bronzes. His most recent work is represented by ‘Fiore’ and ‘Natura Morta’, both groups illustrating the pathos and tragic nature of the human condition.
Carrieri has worked with many of the top fashion designers, has published many books internationally, has works in the Museum of Modern Art in New York, and is widely collected by both private and public collections. Clients have included Renzo Piano, Norman Foster, Fiorucci, Valentino, Knoll, Cassina, Giovanni Agnelli, Henry Moore, and His Majesty the King of Spain.
The work of two other photographers will also be shown with Mario Carrieri’s work; Icelandic artist Iris Thorsteinsdottir, and Estonian photographer Silja Truus, both based in London.
Iris Thorsteinsdottir’s collection is entitled ‘Places of Memory’, which each image was shot either through a window, or a sheet of glass that was carried in one arm, with the camera held in the other. The objective is to provide, simultaneously, both a sense of shelter provided by the architectural interiors, and exposure to the adjacent exterior environment, as can be seen in the ‘Fort Baker Series’. Here, the essence of both inside and outside, shelter and exposure, man-made and natural, co-exist. These extremes of subject are profoundly influenced her native Iceland, the Land of Fire and Ice.
Silja Truus, an accomplished ceramicist and photographer depicts light as a symbol of spirituality and the substance beyond all matter as can be seen in her series, ‘All is Light’. Her studies of skyscrapers reflecting their surroundings, and stark offices blocks ablaze with life-bringing light, are set against studies of ancient trees that stand starkly against the sky. She further illustrates the spiritual nature of light with her explosive study of neon light, and her nude studies as viewed through water; as can be seen in Light I, II, III, IV and Memories.
‘Beloved Light’ is to be held at the Hay Hill Gallery, 23 Cork Street, Mayfair