This story originally appeared in the March/April 2018 issue of Elite Traveler.
At 71st Street and Fifth Avenue, just opposite Central Park, is one of New York’s most fashionable clubs: the clinic of board-certified dermatologist and dermatologic surgeon Dennis Gross.
Celebrities, models and socialites are frequent sights in his Zen-like office. They come to the “king of peels” for his state-of-the-art technology, which focuses on achieving results while minimizing recovery.
A pioneer in peels that decrease hyperpigmentation and improve radiance and skin tone, Dr Gross uses both chemical and retinol peels and developed an acclaimed line of home skin care. He is very discerning about which treatments he brings into his practice, explaining, “until tested, you never know that it delivers results.”
Dr Gross recently introduced Sculp Sure to his practice, a process that permanently destroys fat cells by using a high-temperature laser to send heat deep into fat layers. The 25-minute procedure allows clients to target problem areas that just won’t budge despite diet and exercise (common areas include stomach, hips, love handles, upper arms and around bra lines). Expect to have one to three treatments per area and to see full results after 12 weeks.
Dr Gross chose SculpSure over other body-contouring procedures because he truly believes in the science, it allows him to “customize and tweak the exact amount of fat reduction,” and the heat helps the skin look better, giving it a smooth appearance.
From $1,600 per area, +1 212 725 4555, dennisgrossmd.com