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  1. World’s Finest
  2. Top Restaurants
  3. Le Gourmet de Sèze

Le Gourmet de Sèze

Lyon, France


Le Gourmet de Sèze is located in Lyon, France. Bernard Mariller has earned one Michelin Star with a unique take on French cuisine. The restaurant sources a large proportion of its ingredients locally. The restaurant's style can be described as transitional/mid-century modern. The restaurant offers tasting and seasonal menus.


LocationLyon, France
Price range***
Cuisine (country/region)French
Menu (options)Tasting menu
Vegetarian options
Seasonal menu
Facilities/servicesGift cards
Private dining rooms
AccessPublic Transport
AtmosphereFine Dining
Interior styleMid-Century Modern
DesignCity views
Menu (courses)1-5
Source of produce (over 50%)Local produce
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