The Best Fine Dining Restaurants in Rome
With a wealth of Michelin-starred restaurants, choosing where to eat in Rome can be tricky.
ByWith a wealth of Michelin-starred restaurants, choosing where to eat in Rome can be tricky.
ByRome is a city of many facets - with an impressively grand hotel scene to match.
ByJANUARY 24-27 2019 The 24th edition of Altaroma Fashion Week takes place from January 24 to 27, 2019, at Complesso…
ByJULY 5 – AUGUST 9, 2015 Enjoy classical music under the stars in the courtyard of the Sant’Ivo alla Sapienza,…
ByWHEN BEST TO GO Rome experiences extremely hot summers, while its winters are milder and rainy. The peak months of…
ByPorto Turistico di Roma Reconstructed near Emperor Claudius’s ancient port at Ostia, today’s Port of Rome offers modern marina facilities…
BySC Luxury Service SC Luxury Service specialises in nationwide chauffeur-driven car hire. Its drivers and staff are able to meet…
ByRome’s top concierges share their personal suggestions for the perfect day. LUCIANO ZAMBERLAN HEAD CONCIERGE, HOTEL HASSLER +39 06 993…