By Olivia Cuccaro
Adorning a loved one with a special piece of jewelry is a gesture not to be forgotten. Even more memorable is selecting a gift whose purpose goes far beyond the jewelry itself. Today, Louis Vuitton launches its first #makeapromise day to raise money for children in need with its Silver Lockit collection.
In 2016, Louis Vuitton partnered with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) to raise more than $2.5 million for the benefit of children in Syria and Nigeria facing disease, violence and persecution in their daily lives. The brand has extended its initiative into the New Year with 460 global Louis Vuitton stores and louisvuitton.com encouraging shoppers to #makeapromise with a charitable purchase.

From every sale of a Louis Vuitton Silver Lockit pendant or bracelet, $200 will be donated to UNICEF as part of the movement. With $200, UNICEF could provide six first aid kits, 25 fleece blankets or 45 mosquito nets to help suffering children in conflict zones. Louis Vuitton invites guests to make a pinky promise with a friend or family member and share their experience with the #makeapromise hashtag to raise awareness. In continued support of the cause, Louis Vuitton is also encouraging customers to donate directly to UNICEF throughout the year.
“The idea of the #makeapromise campaign comes from the children,” said Michael Burke, President of Louis Vuitton. “When they make a promise, they mean it, and they seal it with a pinky promise. Children show us a simple way to change the world. One year after our successful launch, our teams have come up with this idea to keep our promise alive.”
To make a promise with your own Silver Lockit, visit louisvuitton.com.