By Founder and CEO of SkyAngels, Steffany Kisling
When I got into this career as a Corporate Flight Attendant ten years ago I had no idea I would fall in love with it. I got into the industry with one goal in mind; to start a business so I would never have a boss again. I couldn’t stand the confinement.
The first time I walked through the sliding doors of the FBO (private jet terminal) and onto the tarmac, among the many private jets that sat there waiting for their next adventure, I knew I wanted to be a part of it somehow. There are many things I love about this industry, but here are the top three reasons why I love being a SkyAngel.
I enjoy meeting the people we fly. I have had the pleasure of flying with some of the most gracious and kind hearted people I have ever met and what has me in awe the most is that many of these individuals are self-made, having worked tirelessly towards making their dreams a reality and succeeding. What a sense of accomplishment these individuals must feel. There have been times when I can see the pride on their face as they experience their first private jet flying experience or take ownership of their first aircraft upon attaining their goals. It is because of them and their accomplishments that I feel so dedicated to ensuring they have a truly delightful flying experience.
As I write this I am traveling through Iceland, then I am off to Amsterdam, Croatia, and Turkey. This is not a working trip, this is a pleasure trip. I will be traveling for a month. This career has afforded me the freedom to live the life I choose. As a SkyAngel you can choose to work full-time for one client or you can choose to be an independent contractor. Both choices afford you the opportunity to choose how you spend your time. I chose to spend it with my family and friends, by traveling, and by launching and running SkyAngels – all of which brings me pleasure and makes me so grateful for the little things, like being able to wake up in the morning and choose which little coffee shop to work from that day, meeting a friend for a mid-morning hike or dispatching SKYcrew flights while driving The Golden Ring through Iceland.
I may be biased but I truly believe we have the best community. These women amaze me. They are all intelligent, driven, passionate, and thoughtful women who are beautiful on the inside making them all the more gorgeous on the outside. The hearts of the women that come through SkyAngels SKYacademy are the reason why when our clients meet them, they become loyal fans requesting their favorite SkyAngel on every flight.
A SkyAngel’s genuine interest is making sure their private jet guest’s in-flight service reflects the price these individuals spend to fly private, which is upwards of $6,000 per hour. All are so deserving of receiving personalized service that makes them feel special. The aircraft staged to their exact preferences every time they fly with a SkyAngel onboard.
Our SkyAngels are intensively trained and excel at making sure the private jet traveler’s expectations are exceeded. However, that’s not the only reason I think we have the best community. The other reason I enjoy our community so much is the support and encouragement they give one another, always tasking each other with becoming better every time they go wheels up, ensuring each other’s success. My heart swells with pride.
So that about sums it up, I could go on and on about all the wonderful things I love about being a part of the exclusive world of private aviation and SkyAngels, but I’m sitting in a little, adorable restaurant in Höfn, Iceland enjoying a glass of wine and a slice of carrot cake while overlooking the sleepy harbor beyond with the view of three majestic glaciers just behind me after spending a leisurely day exploring waterfalls and relaxing in geothermal pools.
Images: Instagram @oldsargent