Les Cols is located in Olot, Spain. Fina Puigdevall has earned two Michelin Stars with a unique take on Catalan and Mediterranean cuisine. The restaurant sources a large proportion of its ingredients locally. The restaurant's style can be described as art deco/modern. The restaurant offers a seasonal menu and vegan options. The menu is updated seasonally.
Location | Olot, Girona, Spain |
Price range | *** |
Cuisine (country/region) | Spanish Mediterranean |
Menu (options) | Food/Drinks pairing menu Organic Seasonal menu Vegan options Vegetarian options |
Facilities/services | Gift cards Private dining rooms |
Access | Parking |
Atmosphere | Fine Dining |
Frequency of menu updates | Seasonally |
Interior style | Art Deco Modern |
Source of produce (over 50%) | Local produce |