Moros y Cristianos

April 22 – 24, 2016

Spain is well known for its flamboyant fiestas and the Moros y Cristianos Festival is one of its most raucous.

In the Middle Ages, Christian armies seized control of Pollença from the Moors and to this day the event is commemorated with a good-humored mock battle between the locals. Combatants dress to the nines in makeshift period costume – Christians in white, Moors à la Jack Sparrow – and brandishing wooden swords, pitch forks and sticks they stage mostly harmless skirmishes on the ancient streets of Pollença. In true Spanish style, the day ends with a gargantuan firework display. Contact Jane Stanbury at Balearic Discovery for the best way to enjoy the show.

Jane Stanbury, Balearic Discovery

+34 971 875 395

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