By Olivia Cuccaro

100-Point wines
The season of giving extends into January with New Year’s resolutions made in the charitable spirit. At the Naples Winter Wine Festival, giving back comes in the form of a luxurious auction.
Beginning January 27, the Naples Winter Wine Festival will be held at the Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort in Naples, Florida. Now in its 17th year, the event is set to uphold its claim as the most successful international charity wine auction, with more than $146 million raised to date.
All proceeds from the festival auction will go to the Naples Children & Education Foundation to benefit more than 40 nonprofit organizations improving the lives of underprivileged youth. The festival kicks off with a Meet the Kids Day Tour where attendees interact with NCEF-supported charities and some of the more than 200,000 children who have benefited from the auction funds. That evening, top chefs and vintners will prepare their signature dishes in private homes around Naples.

Audi MY18 R8 Spyder
On January 28, the auction will take place from 11am-5pm on the resort’s Grand Lawn, accompanied by a wine-pairing lunch. Lots this year range from fine wines to private travel experiences to one-of-a-kind luxury items. Guests will have the opportunity to bid on lots such as: a 14-day trip through Europe via private jet, a collection of 100-point wines, a private cruise, a spa getaway, a safari, an Audi MY18 R8 Spyder, a walk on the red carpet, an Andrea Bocelli concert, Chanel accessories and more. For the full list, please click here.

A trip through Europe
After the auction comes to a close, celebrations commence with a Wine Down event on Saturday evening and a brunch on Sunday. Guests will enjoy wines from more than 30 preeminent wineries alongside 18 of the world’s Master Sommeliers.
The Naples Winter Wine Festival will take place from January 27-29, 2017 at the Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort in Naples, FL. Ticket packages begin at $10,000 per couple, email barrett@napleswinefestival.com. For more information, please visit napleswinefestival.com.