Four-and-a-half hours from Jordan’s capital city of Amman, the otherworldly Wadi Rum entices tourists to detour from a day trip to Petra and veer into the depths of the desert dunes for an off-the-grid experience.
As cell service wanes, guests hop out of their comfortable transport into the back of a pickup truck and drive even further into the desert, which is accessible by only the most powerful four-wheel drive. When the engines quiet, a deep, almost eerie silence envelops you.
[See also: Searching for the Southern Lights in New Zealand]
Settle into one of Memories Aicha Luxury Camp’s panoramic tents, reminiscent of inflated bubbles, to appreciate the almost 360-degree views of the flat-top mountains and desert hills miles in the distance — seemingly within reach, but an optical illusion.
Enjoy the sunset from your bed and experience the transition of a burgundy palette blanketed by nightfall, when a ceiling of stars will twinkle above. Bundle up in a warm Bedouin coat for a traditional meal around the fire before ordering a hookah as a smoky nightcap and resting up for an early morning.
You won’t want to miss the Wadi Rum sunrise transforming the sea of sands from dark rust to vibrant mandarin as the desert awakens for the day.
From $400 per night. Contact Rafat Farajat, reservations, Memories Aicha Luxury Camp, reservations@mlc.jo, +962 777 563 472, mlc.jo