How to Stay Invested in Your Legacy
The trick to staying invested in your legacy is reflecting on past decisions and looking forward to future choices.
By Elite TravelerLooking to maximize your impact? You’re in good company. Our private wealth advisors, backed by a team of specialists, get to know you and your values and curate the breadth and depth of Goldman Sachs to align.
In the Lead is a Goldman Sachs platform designed to help you maximize your impact. Whether that’s through philanthropy, legacy planning, private equity, or private investment opportunities. With a deliberately low 25-1 client-to-advisor ratio, our private wealth advisors can truly get to know you and provide strategies that align with what matters to you.
Your advisor is your gateway to Goldman Sachs offerings. You’ll have access to a collection of curated insights, resources and advice to help you accelerate in all aspects of wealth management. Also, attend events that connect you with a community of women who propel each other forward.
Learn more about In the Lead: https://privatewealth.goldmansachs.com/us/en/inthelead
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The trick to staying invested in your legacy is reflecting on past decisions and looking forward to future choices.
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