Absolutely not for the faint-hearted: You can leap into an active volcano in Chile with specialist operator Bungee (who also assisted daredevil skydiver Felix Baumgartner with his stratosphere skydive from space). A helicopter will fly you into the caldera of the Villarrica Volcano, where you’ll bungee jump 400 ft into the abyss, coming close to bubbling lava. A photographer will accompany you to capture the most unbelievable, death-defying thing you’ll likely ever do.
White-knuckle ride
During the trip, you’ll also board the helicopter once again to bungee jump into a lava tube down the face of a 330-ft waterfall, and head off on a white-knuckle, white-water rafting ride. Stay in the Park Lake Resort in Villarrica — it has superb views of the volcano and lava lake, plus its own helipad.
From $16,000 per person. Contact Casey Dale, president, +1 503 520 0303, info@bungee.com, bungee.com