There’s just something about vast expanses of snow—the complete calm and quiet that the thick blanket of soft powder provides. Valsana Hotel Arosa opened in winter 2020 and is located among the dramatic Graubünden mountains, flanked by the Arosa forest and Lake Untersee. The hotel’s striking architecture is inspired by the forest and surrounding nature; recyclable and sustainable materials were used in its construction. Further eco-credentials include an innovative ‘ice battery’ that powers the hotel.
Speaking of ice, it’s the main feature of this adventure: You’re going to bathe in it. Cold water immersion is known to have extensive health benefits, such as strengthening the immune system and improving circulation, as the body reacts to extremely low temperatures with an increased release of adrenaline and endorphins. While you could fill up your tub with ice cubes, Valsana has an unforgettable take on ice bathing—you’ll head to Lake Untersee to bathe in the chilly waters. To prepare, you’ll participate in yoga classes that assist with breathing techniques and meditation. After the most exhilarating dip, head back to the hotel and warm up next to an open fireplace with a hot toddy.
Best for Those with steely nerves who love the cold
From $510 per night; ice bathing from$120 per person. Contact Theresa Schönwald, reservations agent, info@valsana.ch, +41 813 786 363, valsana.ch