It’s an exciting time for The Resort at Pelican Hill. The Italian-inspired Newport Beach property became part of Marriott International’s luxury portfolio earlier this year, placing it alongside some of the most impressive five-star accommodations in the world and will open up a wealth of opportunities for staff and guests alike.
There were management changes, too. Kevin Kelly, a Marriott International veteran, joined as acting general manager to oversee the initial stages of the transition and has now taken on the role permanently. To celebrate Marriott International’s ongoing partnership with Elite Traveler, we put a few questions to Kelly.

What attracted you to your position at the hotel?
I had the opportunity to serve as the interim general manager during the initial weeks of the Marriott transition in July and absolutely fell in love with the resort and the people. I really felt the grandeur of the resort and knew that leading this distinguished team would be one of the highlights of my career.
Tell us about a defining moment in your role that sticks out.
While it is still a very new role, a defining moment came for me in the first few days of July. During the business week of the year, with a major national holiday and a prominent wedding the coming weekend, I saw the associates around me rise to the occasion to care for the guests and the reputation of the resort during a time of transition, which is never easy. It made a big impact on me.
And what has been the hotel’s biggest challenge during your time there?
I see The Resort at Pelican Hill as a grande dame of US hotels, so my biggest challenge (and opportunity) is maintaining the standing of the resort while introducing the enormous benefits of the Marriott Corporation.
What separates the 4-bedroom Villa from anything else in the region?
At 504 acres, the scale of the resort is truly breathtaking. Dazzling views of the Pacific coupled with terraced streets lined with olive trees give the impression of discovering an Italian village on the California coast; it’s magical. Staying in a 4-bedroom Villa creates the feeling of being at home in this beautiful Italian coastal village. With its spacious layout and expansive terrace – perfect for toasting the golden hour – the Villas are the ideal place for our guests to gather their friends and family.

What exciting plans do you have for the hotel that you can share with our readers?
Building on the resort’s existing foundation of exceptional hospitality, we are going to embark on a significant program that will refresh the Resort and enhance the service experience over 24 months (about two years). This includes an extensive update to accommodations and public areas, the addition of new dining options, a reimagination of The Spa and wellness amenities, a review of retail offerings, and an elevation of service levels.