How Cirrus Creates a Seamless Personal Jet Experience
From our partners: Vision Jet owner Seth Riklin tells his Cirrus success story.
By Toby LouchThe recognized global leader in personal aviation and the maker of the best-selling SR Series and the Vision Jet, the world’s first single-engine Personal Jet. Founded in 1984, the company has redefined performance, comfort and safety in aviation with innovations like the Cirrus Airframe Parachute System® (CAPS®)
Cirrus Aircraft is the recognized global leader in personal aviation and the maker of the best-selling SR Series piston aircraft and the Vision Jet, the world’s first single-engine Personal Jet, as well as the recipient of the Robert J. Collier Trophy.
Founded in 1984, the company has redefined performance, comfort and safety in aviation with innovations like the Cirrus Airframe Parachute System® (CAPS®) – the first FAA-certified whole-airframe parachute safety system included as standard equipment on an aircraft.
To date, worldwide flight time on Cirrus aircraft has passed 11 million hours and 203 people have returned home safely to their families as a result of the inclusion of CAPS as a standard feature on all Cirrus aircraft.
The company has four locations in the United States, located in Duluth, Minnesota; Grand Forks, North Dakota; Knoxville, Tennessee and McKinney, Texas.
From our partners: Vision Jet owner Seth Riklin tells his Cirrus success story.
By Toby LouchFrom our partners: Owner Joe Massarelli explains how he created the aircraft of his dreams.
By James PattersonFrom our partners: The Cirrus Life Adventure Series brings owners together for the ultimate flying experience.
By Irenie ForshawFrom our partners: For first-time buyers, purchasing a jet can seem full of considerations and complexities.
By Irenie ForshawFrom our partners: Cirrus aircraft have transformed the lives of their owners.
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